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Category Info

a list of all keys that go into the object returned by getInfo.

idStringdefines the id of this category
nameStringthe display name of this category
color1String | null must match /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/ithe primary color of all blocks and the category icon, defaults to the pen extension color
color2String | null must match /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/ithe secondary color of all blocks and the category icon, defaults to 0.1 mix with black
color3String | null must match /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/ithe tertiary color of all blocks and the category icon, defaults to 0.2 mix with black
showStatusButtonBoolean | nullif a status button should be shown on this category, used by extensions that connect to something external like the ev3 brick
blockIconURIString | nullthe image to be shown as the icon of all blocks in this category
menuIconURIString | nullwhat the fuck, fuck the what
isDynamicBoolean | nullif this category should update more regularly due too a seperate set of events, also states if the orderBlocks function should be carried over
orderBlocksfunction(blocks: Array<String>): Array<String> | nulla function for handling how the contents of this category should be placed or when they should exist
tbShowBoolean | null(unimplemented) show an icon stating this extension was made using turbobuilder
menus{[String]: Array<[String, String] | { name: String, value: String } | String> | MenuObject} | nullall menus used by the blocks inside this category
customFieldTypes{[String]: any}see here for contents
docsURIString | nullthe url to be used by the documentation button, documentation button only shows if this string is set
blocksArray<Block>see here for contents
isTypeableBoolean | nullif or if not this menu supports typing text into the menu aswell as selecting an option, menus setup this way do not support the value attribute and always accept reporters
acceptReportersBoolean | nullif this menu can take blocks in-place of the menu value
variableTypeString | nullthe type of variable this menu reffers to, see more
itemsArray<[String, String] | { name: String, value: String } | String>all of the items in this menu, ignored if variableType is set