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Parts of PenguinMod

These are individual parts of PenguinMod that make up a section of one of PenguinMod's sites.

The Stage

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This is where sprites will appear in your project. Moving, rotating, resizing, or editing a sprite in any visual way will be seen on the stage.

The stage itself can also have backdrop costumes, serving as backgrounds to the project.

Code Editor

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This is where you'll place blocks that do things in the project.

Connecting blocks on the top or bottom of another block will create Block Stacks, and spots to place blocks inside of other blocks can be known as Inputs, or Arguments.

Find more info about the code editor here.

Paint Editor

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Commonly referred to as the Costume editor, this section of the PenguinMod Studio allows you to draw and edit costumes in your PenguinMod projects.

You can use Vector mode to draw costumes that look clean at any zoom level, or Bitmap mode to draw with pixels.

Sound Editor

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This section of the PenguinMod studio allows you to edit, import, or record sounds for your project.

Each button seen below the sound visualizer will allow you to modify the sound in some way.