block object keys
a list of all keys that go into a block object, there types, and there functional meaning.
keep in mind that in place of this object can be put '---'
to represent a gap (but only one, adding more does not increase the gap)
key | type | function |
opcode | string | null | defines the id of this block, can be omitted on some things (like comments and xml blocks) |
blockType | Scratch.BlockType | the type of this block (I.E. command , comment or reporter ) |
text | String | Array<String> | the text of this block, when an array it represents the text on every "leg" of a block with multiple branches |
blockIconURI | String | null | an override for the categories blockIconURI , sets the image to be put at the start of the block and spaced from the text with | |
extensions | Array<String> | null | gets mapped to the blockly param extensions (see here for explanation) |
color1 | String | null must match /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i | an override for the color1 property from the category |
color2 | String | null must match /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i | an override for the color2 property from the category |
color3 | String | null must match /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i | an override for the color3 property from the category |
allowDropAnywhere | Boolean | null | if this block can be put into any input regardless of type (only works on blockType reporter) |
branchCount | Number | null | an unsigned integer that states how many branches should be on this block (set to one if falsey on blockType loop) |
checkboxInFlyout | Boolean | null | whether or not there should be a monitor checkbox for this block in the toolbox, only set to true on reporter and boolean type blocks if the reporter has no arguments |
disableMonitor | Boolean | null | synonym of checkboxInFlyout |
branchIndicator | String | null | the indecator that should be appended to the end of the last leg in this block (only works on blocks with legs), if this property is in the object but is set to null-like then the icon ./static/blocks-media/repeat.svg is used instead |
branchIconURI | String | null | synonym of branchIndicator |
alignments | Array<Scratch.ArgumentAlignment> | see here |
blockShape | Scratch.BlockShape | see here |
forceOutputType | String | null | overrights all output types on this block to be set with the string inputed, does nothing on falsey values |
isDynamic | Boolean | null | sets up this block to use a mutator to store the block shape and allow for dynamic handling of the blocks shape (no system to actualy do this atm though), the code for this also seems to be utterly untouched since the orignal concievment of scratch3 and so probably needs updated |
arguments | {[String]: Argument} | see bellow for the shape of the objects contained inside this list, to use these arguments you simply put into the strings of the text value [argName] where argName is the name of the argument in this list. |
isEdgeActivated | Boolean | null | only on hat/event blocks, defines if this block, when triggered by function evalutation, should continue to trigger for every instance the output is true or only trigger on instances where the output has changed to be true |
key | type | description |
type | Scratch.ArgumentType | the type of this argument, certain types may use special key values in the argument |
dataURI | String | null | used only by the "image" argument type to state the image data to display |
width | String | null | used only by the "image" argument type to state the image width |
height | String | null | used only by the "image" argument type to state the image height |
flipRTL | Boolean | null | used only by the "image" argument type to state that the image should be flipped in rtl translations |
defaultValue | any | null | the value of this argument that is set by default |
menu | String | null | the key name of the menu that should take place of this argument |
nodes | Number | null | the number of nodes a polygon argument should have, this key name only applies to polygon arguments |
exemptFromNormalization | Boolean | null | if this input should be automaticaly casted to the inputs type |
block type specialties
most basic of basics, when ran it does something, can be connected with other command blocks via the top and bottom or reporter bocks can be connected to it via arguments
makes a block that can connect to inputs and itself output a value when ran, the shape is either set seperately or round
makes a block that can only connect to boolean inputs and output a true/false value, the shape is hexagonal